Posts Tagged ‘Books’

The Book Barge


A nice reaction to the ‘one-click’ approach to book buying, with the emergence of the book barge, a floating bookshop that’s moored in Staffordshire, but for the next few days will be on the Regent’s Canal, just behind the Guardian HQ. According to the Guardian article, the owner Sarah Henshaw says that “by setting up […]

Reading book blogs has two main effects on me: it makes me feel inspired and totally bloody ignorant in equal measure. I generally have a book on the go, but whenever I read these blogs it feels like these people are consuming Joyce and Camus at a rate of knots; simply inhaling Heidegger. I feel […]

Geekcamp 3


A very speedy post as I’m off to Spain later and I really should be looking for my passport. But if you’re in London tonight and looking for a fun networky event for people interested in books, literature and techy stuff, Geekcamp‘s your place. I can’t make it (unless my passport doesn’t surface),  but I […]

Reading time folks, as there’s a new book out, which is apparently very thorough on the role of play in human development. It’s called The Evolution of Childhood by the American anthropologist Melvin Konner, and the critics are praising it to the hilt. Here’s a quote nabbed off Amazon from Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, author of […]

Another quick one, just before I dash out to watch A Prophet. But I just thought I’d give a quick shout out to a fantastic book for anyone interested in radio. Radio: An Illustrated Guide, by Jessica Abel and Ira Glass follows the This American Life team as they put together one of their programmes. […]

Well done David Eggers. Over in San Francisco the author of ‘A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius’ has just launched his latest project, a one-off newspaper called the San Francisco Panorama. What’s great about this is that unlike most publishers Eggers and his fellow McSweeney’s staff haven’t tried to compete with the internet, instead ignoring […]

Once you pop…


Children’s books just get better and better. I know there are some purists out there who think nothing’s going to match up to the classics of their youth. But now they’ve got pop-up books with electronics. Lights! Sound! Moving Parts! OK the vid’s a little ‘calming’. But think of the implications of this. Get a […]

Lots of good stuff going on this weekend, so I’ll try to contain my feverish excitement and space them out over a few posts. First up is Plum Idol. Now it’s not an overstatement to say that P.G. Wodehouse is the greatest writer in the English language. Not just the best comic writer, but the […]